Filename Message
Bootstrap.php:1361 Function drupal_set_message not found.
Bootstrap.php:18 Class Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Markdown\AllowedHtml\Bootstrap implements unknown interface Drupal\markdown\Plugin\Markdown\AllowedHtmlInterface.
Bootstrap.php:23 Parameter $parser of method Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Markdown\AllowedHtml\Bootstrap::allowedHtmlTags() has invalid type Drupal\markdown\Plugin\Markdown\ParserInterface.
ProcessManager.php:81 Call to deprecated method getInlineElementTypes() of class Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\ProcessManager: in bootstrap:8.x-3.21 and is removed from bootstrap:8.x-4.0. This method will be removed when process managers can be sub-classed.
ProviderBase.php:212 Call to deprecated method getAssets() of class Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Provider\ProviderBase: in 8.x-3.18, will be removed in a future release.
ProviderBase.php:653 Function file_prepare_directory not found.
ProviderManager.php:70 Call to deprecated method processDefinition() of class Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Provider\ProviderInterface: in 8.x-3.18, will be removed in a future release. There is no replacement for this functionality.
CdnProvider.php:273 Call to deprecated method getApi() of class Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Provider\ProviderInterface: in 8.x-3.18, will be removed in a future release. There is no replacement for this functionality.
CdnProviderBase.php:76 Call to deprecated function watchdog_exception(): in drupal:10.1.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use Use \Drupal\Core\Utility\Error::logException() instead.